有關訂購 Orders General Information
訂購方式 Purchase method
Only online purchase is currently available. You can browse and purchase our products anytime on our website. Please register to become our member before your purchase. Orders will be reviewed in 24 hours after your order is placed.
付款方式 Payment method
我們網店接受Visa, Mastercard, American Express, 銀聯, JCB, Apple Pay和Alipay。We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, China UnionPay, JCB, Apple Pay, and Alipay payments for online purchase.
產品實物之差異 Differences in actual products
購買前請注意因產品顏色與色調於不同環境及不同瀏覽裝置顯示上會有所不同,產品實物顏色與圖片中的顏色有機會有色差。Before purchase, please note that the hue and color tone would look different in different settings, environment, and on different device displays. It is possible that the color of the actual product is slightly different from the photos shown on our website.
學校或機構訂購 Schools or organisations order
如學校或機構想大量訂購,請按此與我們聯絡。For schools or organisations bulk order, please click here to contact us.